Request for Proposal

When a consumer shops for car insurance online, little do they know that is like playing a game a chess against a super computer. There are so many variables that just one error like, AGE, ZIP, SEX, license number and any one of the myriad of amounts, deductibles can change the cost of your insurance SUBSTANTIALLY.

The ads on Radio, TV all say just one thing…SAVE MONEY…How?

Here is the key question. Save Money as Compared to WHAT?

How does one compare one insurer against the other?

The only true way to know this is to provide agents with your RFP.

Request for a Proposal.

Below is an RFP that you should use to compare the cost of specific coverage.

Now remember one huge thing, the purpose of insurance is NOT saving money. The purpose is to make you and your damaged property whole and that is a much bigger problem when you are shoved into playing the Insurers CLAIM GAME.

Think about this. If you buy cheap insurance what happens when you file a claim?

Do you think that the insurer will recommend or direct you to the best repair firm in your area or the repair firm that provided deep deep discounts, low paid labor and uses phony or used replacement parts?

Remember, an insurance educated consumer, is an insurance companies worst customer.

Excerpted from “Auto Insurance Tricks & Repair Rip-Offs” Copyright © 1994-2021 by Ron Alford.



Date __________________

Dear Insurance Agent:

I am interested in receiving a quote from you to insure a vehicle that I now own or am
about to purchase. Please take careful notice that for each driver of this vehicle, I have
submitted a separate “Driver Information Form.”

If there are no other driver information forms attached, then I am the only driver that will drive this vehicle during the policy period unless my situation changes.

Please complete the form in its entirety. A blank line will indicate to me that you do not offer this coverage. To assist in getting a prompt reply, fax your quote to me at ( ______ ) _ _________________.

If you have any questions, I invite your call and I look forward to your prompt

Respectfully submitted,



Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Last ______________________ First _______________ Initial ____

Address _________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _____ Zip ___________

Phone: Day ( ) ______ ________ Eve ( ) _______ _________

SSN ___ ___ ____ [ ] Male [ ] Female DOB ___/ ___/ ___

My ______ State Drivers License No. is ______________________

Age first Licensed ____ Single [ ] Divorced [ ] Married [ ]

Occupation ______________________________________________

I am presently insured with ______________________ Insurance Co.

My present insurance expires on ___/___/ ____.

I expect to drive this vehicle _________ percent of the time insured.

I drive this vehicle ____________ miles one way to work daily.

Last year I drove a total of _________ miles.

I expect to drive this vehicle _________ miles during the next 12 months.

I do / do not use this vehicle for business purposes.

I have had driver training in the last 3 years. [ ] Y [ ] N

I have had [ ] vehicles stolen in the last 5 years.

I have been involved as a driver in [ ] accidents in the last 5 years.

I have been given [ ] traffic violations in the last 5 years.

I have ____ points on my license.

I have worked at my present job for [ ] years.

I [ ] Own my home [ ] Rent [ ] Live with parents [ ].


Year _____ Make ________________________________________

Model ___________________ Sub Model ____________________

Vehicle ID #____________________________________________

[ ] 2 door [ ] 4 door [ ] Van

[ ] Pickup [ ] Convertible [ ] Other _______________________

This vehicle is equipped with [ ] Driver air bag [ ] Passenger air bag

[ ] Automatic Seat Belts [ ] Anti Theft Device [ ] Passive Alarm

[ ] Anti lock brakes [ ] Alarm system: ______________________

[ ] Other _______________________________________________

At night vehicle is kept [ ] on street [ ] driveway [ ] carport [ ] garage

Its current odometer reading is _______________________________

I have current photos of this vehicle to attest to these statements Y N

This vehicle does / does not have damages valued at more than $200.00.


Coverages List

Based on the information above, please quote prices on each of the coverages below. I
will choose the coverage I want after a price for each has been quoted. If you do not sell
insurance as written, please mark each coverage N/A (not available).

General Liability

10/20/5 ------------------------------ $ _____________________

20/40/20 ---------------------------- $ _____________________

50/100/50 --------------------------- $ _____________________

100/300/50 -------------------------- $ _____________________

Uninsured Motorist

10/20/5 ------------------------------ $ _____________________

20/40/20----------------------------- $ _____________________

50/100/50---------------------------- $ _____________________

100/300/50-------------------------- $ _____________________

Under insured Motorist

10/20/5------------------------------ $ _____________________

20/40/20 ---------------------------- $ _____________________

50/100/50 ---------------------------- $ _____________________

100/300/50--------------------------- $ _____________________

Personal Injury Protection

Circle one

$50,000, $100,000, $300,000, $500,000 $ __________________

Physical Damage

Deductible Circle only one:

Collision - $500/$1,000 deductible $ __________________

Full glass coverage / no deductible $ __________________

Comprehensive - $250 /500 /$1,000 ded. $ __________________

Towing and labor / $50 per occurrence $ __________________

Rental reimbursement / $____ daily $ __________________

Stated value in the amount of $ _____ __________________

Cut along this line before sending to the agents

CUT ____________________________Cut along this line __________________________CUT

Final Instructions

When you have obtained WRITTEN not VERBAL quotes from 4 insurance companies, you can insure that your insurance company will perform as expected by having your four candidates rated by how they treat claimants and pay claims.

Click Here To find out how these companies treat you as a victim.

Questions? Comments? Click here to send us e-mail

Legal Stuff